JTK Elite


JTK Elite Team was founded since March 2003, a systematic tournament training is designed for the potential athletes, all elite members are selected by Dojo Director of JTK.

Other than enhance tournament technique, JTK emphasis on the conduct of all elite team members, we are with Spirit, Faith and United attitude of which make us become the winners in both tournament and real life.

The basic entry requirement of JTK Elite is holding Hong Kong National Tournament Title, that is from Champion to 2nd Runner Up (Golden Elite Badge) or selected by Dojo Director to enter as Potential Elite (Red Elite Badge).

The First achievement of JTK Elite was Youth Game 2003, 20 members of JTK Elite awarded 10 medals of Kumite (Free Sparing). There were totally 28 medals in 7 categories in that tournament.

We are looking forward to seeing the elite team members keep climbing up to the top in the coming future.

Elite Members